Abu Hamza announces downing of “Israeli drone”


Published: 2024-01-09 20:03

Last Updated: 2024-06-28 21:26

Abu Hamza announces downing of “Israeli drone”
Abu Hamza announces downing of “Israeli drone”

The military spokesperson for Al-Quds Brigades, Abu Hamza, affirmed that the Palestinian resistance “continues the battle of honor and steadfastness” in the war waged on the Palestinian people.

Abu Hamza added in a recorded statement broadcasted by Al-Quds Brigades on its Telegram channel that” the truth has become clear that the Zionist entity is beyond norms and agreements, and it is an unjust society that cannot move a step.”

He added that the enemy's goal of eliminating the resistance will not be achieved even if the war continues indefinitely, emphasizing that anyone who wants to disarm the resistance will “forfeit their own life.”

Abu Hamza highlighted that its fighters’ actions in the field amounts to much bigger than what the cameras of the resistance captures.

He announced the downing of an “Israeli intelligence drone” in Khan Yunis and the seizure of important information by the resistance members in the field.

He confirmed that the Al-Qassam Brigades members targeted an Israeli Occupation Forces’ (IOF) vehicles with appropriate shells, missiles, and equipment, including a special force entrenched inside a school in Khan Yunis.

Abu Hamza stated that the resistance will not allow the return of settlers back around Gaza and they will have no stability as long as the war, killing, and displacement continue in the Strip.

He emphasized that the IOF main achievement is skillfully destroying stones and human lives with tons of American explosives, pointing out that ultimately, Netanyahu will have no choice but to surrender to the field's realities.

Abu Hamza renewed the commitment to continue jihad and operations in the battlefield.